
advanced data management in XENON (aDMIX) allows you to run //stand alone// tasks which are decribed below. The purpose of the standalone tasks is to connect Rucio interactions (uploads, downloads and transfers) with the meta database (mongoDB interface). Furthermore, the aDMIX package offers a simple way interact with the Rucio catalogue or with the grid locations directly.

Standalone Tasks in aDMIX

Upload with MongoDB

Run aDMIX to upload data sets (e.g. XENONnT plugins) into Rucio.

Basic command outline:

admix UploadMongoDB --admix-config <CONFIG-FILE>
Further comand arguments are:
  • ‘–once’: Run the command only once and exit aDMIX

  • ‘–select-run-numbers’: Select run numbers according the following scheme. The run number is defined by the MongoDB entry with the field ‘number’. Hint: The Separator is ‘-‘. Do not use spaces in between.

    • 00001: Only one run with run number
    • 00001-00002: All run numbers between 1 and (including) 2
  • ‘–select-run-times’: Select run times according to the start times of a run. The run time is defined by the MongoDB entry with the field ‘start’. A correct definition of the run time is “<Date>_<Time>-<Date>_<Time>”. No single time stamps are allowed. Separators are ‘_’ between <Date> and <Time> and ‘-‘ between two timestamps.

You can run the aDMIX upload command from any machine where the data are located. The database needs to hold a list of dictionaries and each dictionary presents a data type with location, status, rse (if Rucio) and destinations. An overview example could be:

host location status rse destination
login /xenon/xenon1t_processed/pax_v6.6.2/1703 19_1211.root transferred None None
login /xenon/xenon1t_processed/pax_v6.6.5/1703 19_1211.root transferred None None
midway-login1 /project2/lgrandi/xenon1t/processed/pax _v6.8.0/170319_1211.root transferred None None
rucio-catalogue x1t_SR001_170319_1211_tpc:raw transferred [‘CNAF_TAPE_USERDISK:REPLICATI NG:None’, ‘NIKHEF_USERDISK:OK:None’, ‘UC_OSG_USERDISK:OK:None’] None
midway-login1 /project/lgrandi/xenon1t/processed/pax_v 6.10.1/170319_1211.root transferred None None
dali /dali/lgrandi/tunnell/strax_data/170319 _1211-records-943c2b3857b2a91358355745245 1b5049362ecbd transferred None

The location must be definied according to the definition in the template.config configuration file. An example for an inidivdual plugin looks like:


The keywords such as abs_path, number,… are detemined by aDMIX automatically. The abs_path is detemined from the location where the data are stored at a certain location.

The aDMIX uploader runs continously on the pre-selected run numbers or time stamps and looks for destinations which are set for the same host whereas aDMIX is running. The destination field is detemined by the destination (rucio-catalogue), the Rucio RSE and a possible lifetime for this upload. You can set several Rucio RSE destinations (strings which are separated by komma) but the first element of the list is the RSE where the data are uploaded the first time.

Once the destination(s) are fullfilled successfully aDMIX the destination field is deleted from the database and the actual location with transferring status is written to the database in the “rse” field. An example is given in the table above.

Update the Run Database (with MongoDB)

Run aDMIX to upload data sets (e.g. XENONnT plugins) into Rucio.

Basic command outline:

admix UpdateRunDBMongoDB --admix-config <CONFIG-FILE>
Further comand arguments are:
  • ‘–once’: Run the command only once and exit aDMIX

  • ‘–select-run-numbers’: Select run numbers according the following scheme. The run number is defined by the MongoDB entry with the field ‘number’. Hint: The Separator is ‘-‘. Do not use spaces in between.

    • 00001: Only one run with run number
    • 00001-00002: All run numbers between 1 and (including) 2
  • ‘–select-run-times’: Select run times according to the start times of a run. The run time is defined by the MongoDB entry with the field ‘start’. A correct definition of the run time is “<Date>_<Time>-<Date>_<Time>”. No single time stamps are allowed. Separators are ‘_’ between <Date> and <Time> and ‘-‘ between two timestamps.

Since several transfers within the Rucio catalogue are ongoing (see :_table1: for plugin ‘raw’ in column rse) we need to update the experiment database from time to time with the latest locations from Rucio. Run this command continously on any location with an installed Rucio catalogue.

Attention: Due to deletion processes for Rucio transfer rules in the Rucio catalogue it might be possible that a certain dataset does not have any Rucio transfer rule. In this situation, the command set the status of the according Rucio database entry (rucio-catalogue) to RucioClearance. This status acts a as a pre-stage to remove the whole rucio-catalogue entry for the given plugin type from the database with the ClearTransfersMongoDB option.

Init Rucio Transfers (with MongoDB)

Run aDMIX to upload data sets (e.g. XENONnT plugins) into Rucio.

Basic command outline:

admix InitTransfersMongoDB --admix-config <CONFIG-FILE>
Further comand arguments are:
  • ‘–once’: Run the command only once and exit aDMIX

  • ‘–select-run-numbers’: Select run numbers according the following scheme. The run number is defined by the MongoDB entry with the field ‘number’. Hint: The Separator is ‘-‘. Do not use spaces in between.

    • 00001: Only one run with run number
    • 00001-00002: All run numbers between 1 and (including) 2
  • ‘–select-run-times’: Select run times according to the start times of a run. The run time is defined by the MongoDB entry with the field ‘start’. A correct definition of the run time is “<Date>_<Time>-<Date>_<Time>”. No single time stamps are allowed. Separators are ‘_’ between <Date> and <Time> and ‘-‘ between two timestamps.

aDMIX is able to fetch new destinations for a given rucio-catalogue entry and plugin type. These destinations are defined similar to upload destinations. It is a list of strings:

destination = ['rucio-catalogue:UC_DALI_USERDISK:None',

You can set up the database entries from any location and run the aDMIX instance from any location with a pre-installed Rucio software package. aDMIX will fullfill all demanded destinations for the Rucio transfer rules.

  • Each rule can be initialized with a lifetime (third argument). This lifetime is given in seconds (always). You are able to extend the lifetime at any point as long as there is a rule existing in the Rucio catalogue.
  • You can use the lifetime to purge data from the Rucio catalogue. If the lifetime is set to 10 seconds, Rucio will remove the transfer rule after 10 seconds automatically and the Rucio services in the background will start to purge data from the according RSE. Be aware that Rucio services crash sometimes in the background. If data do not disappear automatically you need to check manually for it.

Clear Rucio Information from Run Database (with MongoDB)

Run aDMIX to upload data sets (e.g. XENONnT plugins) into Rucio.

Basic command outline:

admix ClearTransfersMongoDB --admix-config <CONFIG-FILE>
Further comand arguments are:
  • ‘–once’: Run the command only once and exit aDMIX

  • ‘–select-run-numbers’: Select run numbers according the following scheme. The run number is defined by the MongoDB entry with the field ‘number’. Hint: The Separator is ‘-‘. Do not use spaces in between.

    • 00001: Only one run with run number
    • 00001-00002: All run numbers between 1 and (including) 2
  • ‘–select-run-times’: Select run times according to the start times of a run. The run time is defined by the MongoDB entry with the field ‘start’. A correct definition of the run time is “<Date>_<Time>-<Date>_<Time>”. No single time stamps are allowed. Separators are ‘_’ between <Date> and <Time> and ‘-‘ between two timestamps.

This command clears the database entries for the host rucio-catalogue when the status is set to RucioClearance. You can do this manually or it is set to RucioClearance by the UpdateRunDBMongoDB command of aDMIX. You can run this command from any location.

  • No cross check for the number of locations! Keep this in mind in case you fear Rucio-database issues. Run a manual cross check before to avoid data loss from the database.

aDMIX as a Module

Create a Rucio Template Dictionary in aDMIX

A Rucio template dictionary is defined in aDMIX as a dictionary with the following (example) structure:

    "L0": {
        "type": "rucio_container",
        "did": "x1t_{science_run}:x1t_{science_run}_data",
    "L1": {
        "type": "rucio_container",
        "did": "x1t_{science_run}:x1t_{date}_{time}_{detector}",
        "tag_words": ["science_run", "date", "time", "detector"],
    "L2": {
        "type": "rucio_dataset",
        "did": "x1t_{date}_{time}_{detector}:{plugin}-{hash}",
        "tag_words": ["date", "time", "detector", "plugin", "hash"],

aDMIX is shipped out with two modules which help you create this structure: templater and keyword. The aim of the templater module is to load a specific Rucio data structure from a configuration file. This helps you to provide several Rucio configurations for different experimental setups and allow you create automatically a complex Rucio structure, such as a dataset which is attached to container.

Once the Rucio configuration file is loaded from a template file, the keyword method is able to create the complex nested structure (goes by the definition of levels to identify what is attached to what) and provides empty keywords which need to be filled. Once the keyword method has filled the template dictionary completely it is ready to use.

The following example shows how to load a Rucio structure template and fill it with keywords. The keyword method receives simply a dictionary with all requested keywords from Ruico template dictionary.

To begin with, a Rucio structure template for XENON1T looks like this:


The entries “raw” and “processed” defining the plugin type (e.g. “raw_records” in XENONnT) and each string afterwards describe a complex Rucio data sturucture which is used to sort data into the Rucio catalogue.

For example we have:
  • $Cx1t_SR{science_run}:xe1t_SR{science_run}_data: It defines by default a Rucio container (introduced by $C at the begin of the string).
  • Another container ($Cx1t_SR{science_run}:x1t_SR{science_run}_{date}_{time}_{detector}) is attached to the top level container $Cx1t_SR{science_run}:xe1t_SR{science_run}_data. This is introduced by the arrow feature (“|->|”).
  • Finally we have another Rucio dataset attached ($Dx1t_SR{science_run}_{date}_{time}_{detector}:raw). A Rucio dataset is introduced by “$D” at the begin.

Have in mind that each level is defined by a Rucio data identifier which consist of a scope and name (scope:name) which are separated by a ‘:’ character. The lowest structure (Rucio dataset) will receive the files during the upload process later). Each Rucio structure template contains keywords which ({date} or {science_run}). We are going to fill these keywords later by the keyword method:

A full code example for XENONnT is given here:

from admix.interfaces.rucio_dataformat import ConfigRucioDataFormat
from admix.interfaces.keyword import Keyword
from admix.interfaces.templater import Templater

#Init the method to load a specific Rucio template configuration file:

path_to_your_rucio_configuration_file = "/.../.."

rc_reader = ConfigRucioDataFormat()

#Receive the empty plugin structure from the configuration file:
plugin_type = "raw_records"
rucio_template = rc_reader.GetPlugin(plugin_type)

#Init the keyword method
keyw = Keyword()

#Prepare the keyword method to fill the keywords from the template:

rucio_in = "x1t_SR001_170319_1011_tpc:raw_records-58340a130"

db = {}
db['plugin']   = rucio_in.split(":")[1].split("-")[0]
db['date']     = rucio_in.split(":")[0].split("_")[2]
db['time']     = rucio_in.split(":")[0].split("_")[3]
db['detector'] = rucio_in.split(":")[0].split("_")[4]
db['hash']     = rucio_in.split(":")[1].split("-")[1]
db['science_run'] = rucio_in.split(":")[0].split("_")[1].replace("SR", "")

#(we assume here that the dictionary db is filed from a string. But it can come from any location (e.g. database, textfile)!

#Complete the Rucio template:
rucio_template = keyw.CompleteTemplate(rucio_template)

The variable rucio_template holds the desired complex Rucio structure for a given plugin type.

Download a Rucio Data Identifier (DID)

How to download a given Rucio DID which is defined as “x1t_SR001_171230_1818_tpc:raw_records-7k65yaooed”?

from admix.interfaces.rucio_dataformat import ConfigRucioDataFormat
from admix.interfaces.rucio_summoner import RucioSummoner
from admix.interfaces.destination import Destination
from admix.interfaces.keyword import Keyword
from admix.interfaces.templater import Templater

#Be aware of the template files and the config "fake" setup":
config_file = "/home/bauermeister/Development/software/admix_config/host_config_login_el7_api.config"

#Load your config file
config = load_config(config_file)

#Set up the RucioSummoner: You could also fill it manually!
rc = RucioSummoner(config.get("rucio_backend"))

#Most likely you are getting the run locations for a type
did = "x1t_SR001_171230_1818_tpc:raw_records-7k65yaooed"

#Extract scope and name:
scope = did.split(":")[0]
dname = did.split(":")[1]

result = rc.Download(download_structure=did,
                     no_subdir=False #if true, the DID name is not used in the download path


Download Single Chunks from a Rucio Data Identifier (DID)

How to download three chunks from a given Rucio DID which is defined as “x1t_SR001_171230_1818_tpc:raw_records-7k65yaooed”?

Let’s assume the three chunks are ‘00001’, ‘00002’ and ‘00003’. Based on the general Strax file definition, you can also request the ‘metadata.json’ as a chunk.

from admix.interfaces.rucio_dataformat import ConfigRucioDataFormat
from admix.interfaces.rucio_summoner import RucioSummoner
from admix.interfaces.destination import Destination
from admix.interfaces.keyword import Keyword
from admix.interfaces.templater import Templater

#Be aware of the template files and the config "fake" setup":
config_file = "/home/bauermeister/Development/software/admix_config/host_config_login_el7_api.config"

#Load your config file
config = load_config(config_file)

#Set up the RucioSummoner: You could also fill it manually!
rc = RucioSummoner(config.get("rucio_backend"))

#Most likely you are getting the run locations for a type
did = "x1t_SR001_171230_1818_tpc:raw_records-7k65yaooed"

#Extract scope and name:
scope = did.split(":")[0]
dname = did.split(":")[1]

#Create a list of three chunks:
chunks = [ str(i).zfill(6) for i in range(0, 3)]
download_path = "/your/download/path/"
no_subdir = False #if true, the DID name is not used in the download path

result = rc.DownloadChunks(download_structure=did,

#result is a list of dictionaries:
for i_result i result:

Download from Rucio with a Template Dictionary (with chunks)

In additon to the Rucio downloads with a DID, aDMIX supports a Rucio template dictionary download too. It is important to notice that by default only the lowest level Rucio dataset is downloaded. It is possible to adjust it by specifing the level manually when calling the Download(…) function of aDMIX. Be aware that due to a complex Rucio structure, the download volume can be increased tremendously.

from admix.interfaces.rucio_dataformat import ConfigRucioDataFormat
from admix.interfaces.rucio_summoner import RucioSummoner
from admix.interfaces.destination import Destination
from admix.interfaces.keyword import Keyword
from admix.interfaces.templater import Templater

#Be aware of the template files and the config "fake" setup":
config_file = "/home/bauermeister/Development/software/admix_config/host_config_login_el7_api.config"

#Load your config file
config = load_config(config_file)

#Set up the RucioSummoner: You could also fill it manually!
rc = RucioSummoner(config.get("rucio_backend"))


rucio_template = keyw.CompleteTemplate(rucio_template)

result = rc.Download(download_structure=rucio_template,
                     no_subdir=False, #if true, the DID name is not used in the download path
                     level=-1 #Select level by int (e.g. 2) to download the top-level Rucio container (see Rucio template description)

In addition, it is possible to modify the Download command for chunks again:

chunks = [ str(i).zfill(6) for i in range(0, 3)]
result = rc.DownloadChunks(download_structure=rucio_template,

Upload with a Template Dictionary

Uploads are made similar to the downloads and need a Rucio template dictionary if it is wished to upload data into a complex Rucio structure. Once the Rucio template dictionary is created you need to provide a data location and an initial RSE (with lifetime if needed). The location of the data does only need to contain individual files under folder. The common Rucio scope is determined from the Rucio template dictionary for the lowest level if not specified otherwise.

Of course you can also use UploadToDid(…) or UploadToScope(…) from the RucioSummoner to upload data to Rucio. These functions do not offer the abilty to build a complex Rucio structure beforehand.

from admix.interfaces.rucio_dataformat import ConfigRucioDataFormat
from admix.interfaces.rucio_summoner import RucioSummoner
from admix.interfaces.destination import Destination
from admix.interfaces.keyword import Keyword
from admix.interfaces.templater import Templater

#Be aware of the template files and the config "fake" setup":
config_file = "/home/bauermeister/Development/software/admix_config/host_config_login_el7_api.config"

#Load your config file
config = load_config(config_file)

#Set up the RucioSummoner: You could also fill it manually!
rc = RucioSummoner(config.get("rucio_backend"))

#prepare a rucio_template as described above:
rucio_template = ...

upload_result = self.rc.Upload(upload_structure=rucio_template,
                               upload_path=origin_location, #A valid path with data to upload
                               rse_lifetime=None, #Or lifetime in seconds
print(upload_result) # 0 if successful, 1 if failed